Things I wanted you to know - Rishabh Naresh Goel

Image may contain: 2 people, night and textSo there were a few things I wanted you to know.
That t-shirt you gave me for my birthday? I don't know where but I did lose it.

Those books that you sent? My friend borrowed them and hasn't returned them yet.

That watch which you spent something like 10k on? I told you, I'm really clumsy, I broke it.
But that paper slip on which you wrote your number? I have that in my wallet at all times since that day.

That rose which you plucked on a whim and proposed to me? It's still there among the pages of my favorite book.
That hoodie of mine which you sent back? I wore it for a week till it stopped smelling of you.
And that call when you told me you didnt love me anymore and were with someone else now? I listen to it every night.
And I stare at the stars while I do and if I close my eyes, I can imagine, if just for a moment, that you are still at my side and everything is all right.

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Rishabh Naresh Goel

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